8 Not-Sweet Halloween Treats

This year, when my son's class passed around a list of items that parents could contribute to the school Halloween party, I couldn't believe what was on the list: cookies, munchkins, cupcakes (and fine, fruit).  But with the amount of candy kids eat on Halloween, isn't it overboard to add even more to their daily sugar quota? We know your kids are going to be all hopped on sugar (mine go totally sugar wild!), but these genius non-sweet, super-spooky ideas are so cute that it just might tempt your kid to put down the candy for a half second.  

  1. SPOOKY EGG GHOSTS (from @onmykidsplate) Easy enough for non-pintrest mamas (raises hand), these help balance out the sugar with a hefty dose of protein.

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2. MUMMY GRAPES CUPS (from @produceforkids). Use a black sharpie and clear plastic cups to create an adorable snack.

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3. PIZZA MUMMIES (from @heather_kidskitchen). For when you're begging your children to eat dinner. String cheese and olives for eyes transform the plain old pizza bagel into something that screams Halloween.

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4. APPLE MOUTHS (from @produceforkids). Use almonds for teeth, strawberries for a silly tongue, and peanut butter or sunbutter to hold 'em in place.

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5. CANDY CORN CUPS (from @morepleasemama). A mixture between a treat and healthy fruit, this is one the kids will definitely eat (at least the top layer!)

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6. CLEMENTINE JACK-O-LANTERNS (from @fountainavenuekitchen). All you need is a black sharpie and an ability to draw triangles.

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7. MUMMY HOTDOGS (from @allrecipes) Stretch out strips of puff pastry dough and go to town!

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8. Minion Bananas (from @saralewisphotography ) There are ways to make these super silly by glueing on eyeballs and wrapping the bottoms in blue tissue paper. Or you could just do this and the kids will love them anyway.

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